January 21, 2013

Hand-Raising Humiliation

So I'm sitting in this meeting, let's just say it's a sort of important meeting with sort of important people, and leave it at that. I'm in charge of taking the minutes so I'm sitting there with my laptop, diligently typing the discussions when the temptation of facebook became too much. Naughtily I scroll down the newsfeed: a million pictures of a friend's baby at the park, a dog doing something funny, assorted statuses, and a too-close-up shot of someone's face. And then there was this one picture. It was a photo of a guy, but he was holding his hand in a really odd position in the picture.
Now before I finish this story I'll have to admit that I'm a little strange. I'm a hands-on kind of person. I have to try things myself to learn or figure them out. If someone says a word that I think sounds interesting or strange I sometimes say it quietly under my breath a time or two just to try out how it sounds. So I'm trying to figure out how his hand is in this position and without even realizing it, I attempt to place my hand in the same position, just to see how it was done. And then I notice a bit of a lull in the talking around the table in the middle of an earnest discussion. Glancing up I realize half the table is looking at me.
Looking at me, with my hand partially in the air, in a really retarded sort of "I'm raising my hand because I have something to say" position.
"Please," one member invites, "share your wisdom with us."
"Ummm," I mumble embarrassedly, "I, uh, wasn't raising my hand." Even though it totally look like it.

So are you interested in seeing this picture that was the cause of so such embarrassment?  Yes, I too wanted to see it again (so I could actually accomplish maneuvering my hand into that bewildering position). So I just spent like 20 minutes scrolling through the Facebook newsfeed of the past week trying to find it...and I never did.

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