December 7, 2011

Juice Fast - Day 2

This morning I woke up late. Well actually Jenn woke me up as she was leaving for the school building. My roommate Ellen is gone, and she would make sure I am up if my alarm doesn't go off or something. Where's Ellen when I need her...  By the time I got down to the cafeteria Jenn had already made all the juice. What a sweetie.

Breakfast Juice
1 Lemon
Kale (put through the juicer this time)

It was really good..or maybe I was just hungry..nah it was really good! I thought the parsley would make it taste funny, but I couldn't even tell it was in there.

When lunch time rolled around I was feeling really hungry and my stomach was growling.

Lunch Juice
3 pomegranates
1 lemon
Piece of ginger
About 1 pound of spinach
1/3 of an English cucumber
3 or 4 broccoli stalks

We just keep making juice until we have about 2 liters worth, so we have 1 liter for each of us. This juice is really good too.

Two key ingredients in juicing in my opinion are lemons (or limes) and ginger. They make the juice drinkable and cut down on any bitter or nasty flavors.

I skipped my usual (sorta usual) workout at 5 PM to juice because I was too hungry to workout and then juice afterwards.  I did my own thing tonight because Jennifer had leftover juice.

So for this evenings juice: 
Oranges (a lot of them)
Broccoli stalks
A little ginger
1 lemon
1 beet

The juice is good, but I think it is too much lemon for the size of the drink.

There are several other reasons that I'm juicing besides the ones I listed in my "Day 1" post. A couple weeks ago, or maybe a month, I watched the movie "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead." I found it to be extremely interesting! Just watching it makes you want to juice and be healthy. Also soon after watching the video, some of my friends here did a 10 day juice fast. And if they can do it, well so can I!
Honestly though, if you have not seen "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" I would highly (HIGHLY) recommend watching it. Not only is it educational, it is interesting and entertaining. This is the website link for more info:

Day 2 Observations
I've still been feeling a bit of indigestion. I wonder if it might have anything to do with mixing fruits and veggies?
I find I'm not as thirsty as usual.

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