November 25, 2012

Miracle of the Applesauce

Ellen and I decided to make applesauce...lots of it. So last night we ran in to town and bought 60 one quart canning jars and today we started the process. We got four large boxes of apples from the campus fruit barn and set about canning.  For those who know about making applesauce...well it's not necessary for me to explain all the steps; and for those who don't...I'm not going to take the time, but know--it is a bit of a process! About halfway through we wondered if we should get more apples, but I was too lazy and told Ellen we should just keep going with what we had. But towards the end, it seemed now we wouldn't have enough jars and I began wondering where we could get more jars from. As I worked on funneling the remains of the last pan of applesauce into the last 4 jars, I tried to estimate how this would end - I'd either have too few, or too many jars. But as I cleaned out the final pan with a spatula and and directed the last few drops of applesauce into the very last jar, it was filled perfectly. And by perfectly, I mean perfectly - not a drop too much, and not a drop too little. I mean seriously, what are the chances that we randomly got exactly the precise amount of apples to exactly fill the 60 jars we had?
Mind blown.

November 23, 2012

Guest Room Embarrassment

Yesterday evening I hurried through the cafeteria when I came upon a distraught Bethany (guest room manager), “The guests who were staying in guest room #6 that left for a few days ago are returning tonight, and I heard that the maintenance crew were in their room working and it might be a mess. I've been trying to get a hold of my mother to ask her to check, but I can’t find her and I have to run to orchestra practice right now!”  
“Don’t worry,” I soothed, “I’ll go check out the room and make sure it's okay.” Hopping on my dirt bike I navigate down the dark road without a headlight towards the guest rooms. Pulling right up in front of the door to guest room #6, I jumped off my bike and yanked the door open. Imagine my surprise and horror to find a woman standing there in the room staring back at me; her husband was lying in the bed. In shock I just quickly shut the door. Apparently the guests had returned earlier than expected. But then I stood outside the closed door thinking they were probably wondering what I had been doing. I'd better tell them I decided. But in my flustered state, instead of knocking first, I just opened the door right up again. Apologetically I explained the situation to the nice lady and tried to make a hasty departure. But then my dirt bike was having trouble starting, it was too cold for it, and I’m sure they could hear me trying over and over to start it. Finally with a sigh of relief I made my escape.

November 11, 2012

Night Fright

I hurried into my room last night to grab a jacket, my roommate Ellen was sleeping, so leaving the lights off I tried to navigate from the very dim light filtering in from the doorway. Noticing that there was tons of stuff on my bed I began quickly grabbing everything; clothes, bags, winter gear, purse, everything, regardless of what it was, and throwing it on the floor. All of a sudden my hand closed around something.....

 ...alive! It was squishy, warm and furry. Screaming in terror I leapt back. The neighbor's cat, unhappy with my loud outburst jumped off my bed in quick escape, first trying the closet, but then headed out the door. After awhile my heart finally slowed down its beating.